A Beginner’s Guide To Retargeting In Advertising

The digital marketing landscape is ever-evolving. Retargeting in advertising is a pivotal strategy for businesses aiming to boost their sales figures. This approach is focused on re-engaging individuals who have previously interacted with a brand but did not convert, which is considered an “out of sight, out of mind” situation. 

Read our blog to understand what retargeting means in the advertising and marketing industry. We will focus on the intricacies of retargeting techniques designed to enhance sales and ensure that your brand remains top-of-mind for potential customers.

What Is Retargeting?

Retargeting is a digital marketing strategy targeting individuals who have visited your website or interacted with your content but did not make a purchase or take the desired action. Unlike remarketing, which primarily uses email to re-engage past customers, retargeting typically involves displaying ads across various online platforms to lure back potential customers. This distinction is crucial for marketers to understand, as it guides the selection of tactics best suited to their objectives.

What is retargeting in advertising

Exploring Types and Formats of Retargeting

Retargeting can be segmented into several techniques, each offering unique benefits and targeting capabilities

1. Website Retargeting

This involves targeting users who have visited your website. By installing cookies, businesses can track these visitors and display ads as they browse other sites, encouraging them to return.

2. Search Retargeting

Search retargeting targets users based on their search engine queries. If someone searches for a product or service related to your business but hasn’t visited your site, you can use search retargeting to capture their attention.

3. Dynamic Retargeting

Dynamic retargeting takes personalisation a step further by showing ads for specific products or services a visitor views on your site. This technique is highly effective for e-commerce businesses.

4. Video Retargeting

With increasing video content consumption, video retargeting has become a powerful tool. It involves displaying video ads to users interacting with your website or social media channels.

5. Social Media Retargeting

Given the ubiquity of social media, targeting users on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can significantly increase brand visibility and engagement.


Exploring The Benefits of Retargeting Techniques

Retargeting techniques in advertising offer several compelling advantages:

  1. Increase Conversion Rate: Retargeting can significantly boost your conversion rates by targeting individuals already familiar with your brand.
  2. Boost Brand Awareness: Repeated exposure to your brand increases recognition and keeps you top of mind among potential customers.
  3. Maximise ROI: Retargeting is cost-effective, focusing your advertising spend on people most likely to buy, thereby maximising your return on investment.
  4. Directly Reach the Target Audience: Retargeting allows for precise audience targeting, ensuring that your ads are seen by individuals with a demonstrated interest in your offerings.

How Retargeting Works

The mechanics of retargeting involve a few key steps:

  1. Installing Pixel Tags: Placing pixel tags on your website enables tracking of visitors and their behaviour, which is crucial for retargeting.
  2. Creating Audience Lists: You can create segmented audience lists for targeted advertising campaigns based on the data collected.
  3. Displaying Advertisements: Ads are displayed to these segmented audiences across various platforms, drawing them back to your site.
  4. Setting Ad Display Frequency: Determining the frequency of ad displays is vital to avoid overwhelming your audience and to optimise engagement.


Implementing Retargeting Techniques for Optimal Results

For retargeting to be effective, consider the following strategies:

  1. Clearly Defining the Target Audience: Understanding your target audience and their online behaviour is crucial for successful retargeting.
  2. Designing Compelling Advertisements: Your ads should be eye-catching and relevant to the audience, offering clear value propositions.
  3. Optimising Ad Display Frequency: Find the right balance in ad frequency to maintain interest without causing ad fatigue.
  4. Analysing Results and Refining Campaigns Accordingly: Regular analysis of campaign performance helps in refining strategies for better results over time.


Succesful Remarketing Case Studies

Nike and Airbnb are prime examples of brands that have mastered the art of retargeting techniques to boost sales and engagement through advertising. 

With its dynamic retargeting campaigns, Nike leverages user data to display personalised ads based on the products visitors have viewed on their site. This approach increases the likelihood of purchase and enhances the user experience by making ads relevant and tailored to individual preferences.

On the other hand, Airbnb uses retargeting to remind potential customers of unfinished bookings or inspire them with destinations based on their search history. By displaying enticing images of destinations and properties that users have shown interest in, Airbnb effectively nudges them towards completing their bookings, increasing their conversion rates.


Essential Retargeting Tools for Marketers

To execute effective retargeting campaigns, marketers have at their disposal a variety of platforms and tools, each offering unique features and capabilities. 

Google Ads and Facebook Ads are the heavyweights in this domain, providing extensive reach and sophisticated targeting options. These platforms enable marketers to retarget users across millions of websites and apps, ensuring that advertisements are seen by potential customers regardless of where they spend their time online.

LinkedIn Ads offer a more niche approach, allowing for retargeting professionals based on their industry, job title, or other business-related attributes, making it an invaluable tool for B2B marketers. 

Criteo, specialising in retargeting, uses machine learning to optimise ad performance, ensuring that only the most relevant ads are displayed to users, thereby maximising the chances of conversion.

Exploring the Latest Trends in Retargeting

Retargeting in the advertising scene is continually reshaped by emerging trends and technologies. Integrating AI technology has significantly enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of retargeting campaigns by enabling more sophisticated data analysis and audience segmentation. Dynamic Creative Optimisation (DCO) further personalises the ad experience by automatically adjusting the creative elements of ads to match each viewer’s preferences.

An emphasis on personalisation has become a central theme in retargeting, with brands striving to create more meaningful and engaging ad experiences for their audiences. Additionally, the utilisation of retargeting in native and audio advertising opens new avenues for brands to connect with their audiences in a less intrusive and more contextually relevant manner.


Retargeting techniques


Retargeting in advertising has proven to be an incredibly effective and versatile strategy in driving sales and engagement. Marketers can significantly enhance their digital marketing efforts by understanding and applying the principles highlighted in this blog.

Supercharge Your Business With Primal

However, running a business might leave you with little time to ponder the intricacies of retargeting. Consider collaborating with a specialist agency like Primal Digital Agency, which can help you master retargeting for your business and let you focus on the more essential aspects – growing your business. 

At our marketing agency in Bangkok, we provide the insight and assistance required to initiate successful retargeting campaigns across various platforms, including Facebook. By leveraging our award-winning services, you can unlock the full benefits of retargeting and see significant results yourself. 

Contact us today for a free consultation – no strings attached.