E-Commerce Digital Marketing 101

E-Commerce Digital Marketing 101

In the internet age, having an online presence has become one of the best ways for businesses to reach customers and sell their products. With strong e-commerce marketing strategies, it's possible to implement a robust e-commerce marketing campaign that works alongside your businesses to maximise conversions. While it's no secret that the online space is full of competition across just about every imaginable sector, with compelling e-commerce marketing strategies, businesses working at all scales can dramatically enhance their search engine optimisation and attract an engaged target audience. With the help of a leading digital marketing agency like Primal, your brand can benefit from optimised product pages and a wealth of proven e-commerce marketing solutions.

If you're entering the e-commerce marketing space for the first time, getting your head around essential terms and understanding the impact of particular e-commerce marketing strategies is a challenging prospect. But with an in-depth appreciation for your customers' needs and the development of sharp content around your product's key strengths, a remarkably successful e-commerce marketing strategy is undoubtedly within your grasp. Primal's talented team can ensure your online store benefits from an extensive e-commerce advertising strategy, featuring everything from social media marketing and rigorous email campaigns to a comprehensive content plan.

Design A Robust E-Commerce Marketing Strategy

Design A Robust E-Commerce Marketing Strategy

As you look to enhance your reach and target a highly specific customer base, a carefully conceived e-commerce marketing strategy provides a clear route to success. With a wealth of digital tools at your disposal, you can craft an elegantly planned marketing campaign that's designed to help your online store attract customers and boost sales. However, the makeup of these e-commerce marketing strategies is going to depend entirely on your specific products and services. As there's no single way to attract and convert customers, partnering with an expert e-commerce marketing agency is one way to ensure your campaign achieves your business goals.

As you come to understand the basics of e-commerce marketing, Primal can help your e-commerce brand develop a strong marketing plan that promotes your products or services. Depending on your business size, location and industry, there are different industry benchmarks you can set your goals and KPIs against. Consider objectives like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, customer acquisition costs and website visits. When planning a marketing strategy for your e-commerce brand, there are many e-commerce marketing solutions you can consider, and it can be tempting to try every single one, but we don't recommend that. Primal will identify which strategies make the most sense for your brand as we reflect on your analytics, refine your campaign and ultimately improve your ROI.

Boost Profit With Affiliate Marketing

Boost Profit With Affiliate Marketing

Since the proliferation of online shopping began, affiliate marketing has become one of the smartest ways to increase your conversion rates. It works by connecting a brand like yours with marketers who have an established customer base, ensuring your product reaches a targeted audience that has a high chance of purchasing. In fact, research tells us that approximately 81% of all online brands use affiliate marketing to attract potential customers. So how does affiliate marketing work? Marketers who choose to work with your business will use a range of their own e-commerce strategies to convert customers, including paid advertising and content marketing. If they manage to send customers to your website who turn into sales, you'll pay them a commission for their hard work.

In a sense, using affiliate marketing is like having your own sales team. However, you'll have to design the terms of your affiliate programme and attract appropriate people who have experience selling a product like yours. It's important to handpick your team of affiliates from people that understand your industry and the customers within it. This way, you won't waste your time working with affiliates that aren't generating any sales. As the most popular form of affiliate marketing is based on pay-per-sale, this type of advertising is usually low-risk for brands, making it the ideal place to start.

Effective Content Marketing Grows Brands

Effective Content Marketing Grows Brands

Content marketing remains one of the most popular digital e-commerce marketing strategies for a good reason. It provides incredible results for a huge variety of products and services, as you enhance your search engine optimisation and gradually nudge customers down the sales funnel. With so many different methods coming under the content marketing banner, the ones that make the most sense for your business will depend on your niche and target audience. But one that essentially every business can utilise is optimising your product pages. By understanding the keywords your customers are most likely to use when searching for a product you offer, you can optimise your copy, page titles and image alt text to climb the rankings on search engines.

Another time-tested content marketing strategy is having a blog that complements your online store. This approach has a range of benefits because you not only create articles that grow your reach through search engine optimisation, but also showcase your industry expertise to improve your brand's reputation. Meanwhile, producing quick and accessible explainer videos could also help customers see the strengths of your products. With YouTube featuring over a billion active users, creating short and sharp tutorials is a great way to showcase your product and potentially skyrocket your reach. Primal can help your business design an effective e-commerce marketing campaign that produces outstanding results.

Develop Powerful Email Marketing Campaigns

Develop Powerful Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing has existed since the dawn of digital advertising, but it still provides plenty of potential for modern online businesses. While emails might not have the coolness factor that social media provides, with a carefully conceived campaign you can generate incredible success. To develop an effective strategy, you're going to want to follow the drip marketing approach. This involves dividing your customers by certain attributes and interests, ensuring you send the ideal email to a customer at the perfect stage of the buyer journey. As these campaigns can be automated, they are an outstanding option for e-commerce companies.

Part of the reason email marketing has remained popular amongst digital marketers is that basically every demographic continues to use it. While other e-commerce marketing approaches require your business to have a certain target audience to be effective, approximately 3.9 billion people around the world use email, meaning it's great for reaching almost every type of audience. Meanwhile, personalised emails have a fantastic open rate, helping your business achieve a first-rate ROI from its campaign. In fact, research suggests that for every $1 spent on growing a powerful email list, you can expect an average return of $42. Primal is an e-commerce marketing agency that knows what it takes to design a detailed email marketing campaign that compels consumers to check out your latest product.

Grow Your Online Store With Influencer Marketing

Grow Your Online Store With Influencer Marketing

In the world of e-commerce, influencer marketing is one of the leading strategies to expand your brand awareness. This e-commerce marketing strategy involves forming partnerships with popular people who have established a large following around their interests. If you manage to identify a group of influencers who have an audience that overlaps with your own products and services, you can swiftly elevate your reach and increase conversions. Although influencer marketing is often associated with beloved figures on Instagram, it can also prove effective on a range of other online platforms. Primal has a wealth of experience developing extensive influencer marketing campaigns to benefit an array of e-commerce brands.

Before rushing into a sprawling influencer marketing strategy, you have to decide what kind of influencer makes sense for your company and its product. Many brands make the mistake of choosing someone with the largest following, but it's actually more important to find a brand representative who has the most engaged and like-minded audience to suit your goals. By considering the three Rs of influence – Relevance, Reach and Resonance – you can identify the perfect person to represent your brand. Then, you can design a campaign around brand mentions, product reviews or any other type of sponsored content to capitalise on their audience and drive traffic to your online store.

Attract Like-Minded Customers With Referral Marketing

Attract Like-Minded Customers With Referral Marketing

With many online businesses operating in the same space, forward-thinking companies have decided referral marketing is a productive way to differentiate themselves and spread positive word of mouth. This marketing tactic involves setting up a programme where existing customers can refer others in exchange for a discount or gift. Although consumers who are happy with a product often tell their friends and family, a formal referral marketing strategy is a way to increase your customer base and generate more sales. With this technique proving hugely profitable for flourishing tech companies like Uber, Airbnb and Dropbox, consider how referral marketing can help your online store reach more high-quality customers.

Referral marketing is a tried-and-true method for a host of reasons. Naturally, it ensures your e-commerce company can benefit from extremely precise targeting as you're asking established customers to recommend your products to people they personally know. In this sense, your customers have a far greater understanding of how to convince someone to purchase so they both get a reward. In addition, people place a great amount of trust in recommendations from friends, family and co-workers. If someone who has experience using your products is comfortable enough to tell others to do the same, more people are willing to commit to making a purchase. Primal can help your business implement a thriving referral marketing campaign as part of your e-commerce marketing strategy that boosts online sales.

Reach Your Target Market With Social Media Marketing

Reach Your Target Market With Social Media Marketing

The rise of social media has forever changed how people engage with brands online. This is especially true in the e-commerce space as you attempt to convince consumers to choose your website over the vast amounts of competition. With platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and Pinterest providing companies with a wealth of in-depth analytical tools that help target e-commerce marketing efforts, it's possible to attract a highly engaged audience that wants to learn more about your products. As social media marketing strategies continue to generate exceptional results for brands of all shapes and sizes, taking a research-driven approach is the best way to stand out in this hotly contested marketplace.

With so many great social media platforms featuring millions of users, many companies find it difficult to know where to start. Unfortunately, many e-commerce brands spread themselves too thin by attempting to create content for every platform under the sun. In reality, most are far better off choosing a couple of platforms where they know their core target market resides. This way, you can focus your attention on designing a social media advertising campaign that's bound to deliver top-notch results. By creating a conversation with your most desired customers and ensuring they understand your company's values, you can use social media to promote a product, grow website traffic and increase sales.

Precise Search Engine Marketing

Precise Search Engine Marketing

Climbing the rankings on search engines is undoubtedly a great way to attract new customers, but how can e-commerce brands bypass the time-consuming process behind SEO? This approach is known as search engine marketing (SEM) and it involves using a range of paid advertising methods to place your business amongst the top results on any relevant page. Across pay-per-click (PPC), display ads and comparison websites such as Google Shopping, SEM makes it possible to attract potential customers whenever they use specific keywords to search. As most SEM campaigns only require you to pay Google when someone clicks on your ad, these strategies can have a great ROI. Primal's expert SEM team can ensure your business targets its ads effectively and generates more conversions than ever before.

With Google Adwords offering unmatched reach, a large percentage of SEM campaigns are going to be organised through this platform. In the e-commerce context, a talented e-commerce marketing agency like Primal can design engaging campaigns around your product pages and ensure they are targeted directly at your precise target market. With our data-driven approach, we can craft compelling keyword-rich ads based around search intent to capture customers who are looking to make a purchase soon. If you decide to partner with Primal, you'll see first-hand how we can deliver a highly effective SEM campaign that achieves your e-commerce marketing goals.

Develop A Rewarding Loyalty Program

Develop A Rewarding Loyalty programme

For small and medium-sized e-commerce companies, competing with the giants of the industry is always going to be a big challenge. But if you develop a valuable loyalty programme that keeps customers online shopping with you, you can continue to grow your customer base long into the future. To make sure your customers feel wanted from the very beginning of their relationship with your brand, you should convince them to sign up to your loyalty scheme as soon as they hit your website. With a carefully designed loyalty programme that offers discounts and gifts for making purchases and sharing your business on social media, you can retain customers and benefit from a boost in online sales.

Although it might seem simple to reward customers for shopping with your online business, there are a range of factors to consider before launching your programme. For instance, you have to decide how much customers have to spend to earn points, while you also have to consider if they'll earn points for sharing your content with friends and family. In addition, you have to decide what kind of benefit can be redeemed from engaging with your loyalty programme, as it will still have to have a net positive impact on your business. Alongside a host of other questions, Primal can assist your company in setting up a loyalty programme and start signing up customers immediately.

Generate Positive Online Reviews

Generate Positive Online Reviews

To build an e-commerce business that succeeds long-term, generating online reviews is simply essential. Primarily, positive reviews on Google and other sites ensure interested potential customers see your online store as one of the best in its sector. In fact, 84% of people trust online recommendations as much as those from friends and family, while 68% of consumers will decide on whether to buy a product or not after reading six reviews. These statistics mean your business must strive to provide exceptional customer service at all times, while also establishing techniques that encourage happy customers to leave reviews. Primal can also make sure your online shopping brand benefits from the increased search engine rankings that come with having plenty of reviews for customers to read.

Outside of increased brand loyalty and trust, online reviews are also a great tool for improving SEO. As customers leaving these comments are likely going to use the name of your business and its products, online reviews can enhance the visibility of your company within searches. Also, increased Google Reviews in particular can dramatically boost the reach of your Google My Business page, earning your brand vital engagement over the competition. In terms of a brand's reputation, replying to both positive and negative reviews are also great opportunities to highlight your company's transparency and willingness to provide a top customer service experience.

Sharp Website Design Increases Sales

Sharp Website Design Increases Sales

If your online store is going to generate traffic and sales, having an attractive website that makes it easy to browse products is critical to success. Most people can remember a time when they've become so frustrated with a poorly conceived website that they've simply clicked out of it. With approximately 75% of customers making judgements about a business based on the appearance of their website, having an elegantly designed platform ensures customers spend more time on your online store and return again in the future. Even if your products are the best on the market, your website is going to have to effectively display them to gain the most benefit. Fortunately, Primal's talented team of website designers can make sure your e-commerce store is fast, modern and accessible across every kind of device.

Having a robust and responsive website design is one of the e-commerce industry's most important marketing strategies. By providing customers with a streamlined shopping experience from start-to-finish, customers can focus on choosing whether to make a purchase rather than become frustrated with their user experience. Alongside high-quality images that showcase the advantages of your products, your online store should also have a detailed FAQ page that clearly explains shipping and returns information. Primal will ensure your online store offers customers a seamless shopping experience, boosting your website traffic and conversion rates.

Be Mobile-Friendly

Be Mobile-Friendly

As using smartphones to browse the internet has become increasingly powerful, more customers are now searching the web via mobile than desktop computers. This means it's absolutely essential that your e-commerce store has a responsive website that makes it super easy to browse on smaller screens like smartphones and tablets. But creating a mobile-friendly website that showcases both a product and your content effectively can be a difficult task. For instance, you have to think about how people physically hold their phones when designing a mobile website, while you need an expert touch to ensure your content translates nicely between different devices. Luckily, as an e-commerce marketing agency, Primal has top-notch experience developing exceptional mobile-first online stores that customers love to use.

There are an array of e-commerce marketing factors to be considered if you're going to create a streamlined mobile shopping experience. Consumers browsing the web on their smartphones are incredibly quick to leave a website if it doesn't load quickly. In fact, research suggests that 40% of customers will abandon a webpage if it takes longer than three seconds to load. This means you need to have a highly optimised platform that removes virtually all nonessential elements. Meanwhile, you need particularly strong call-to-action buttons that encourage people to complete their purchases. Our expert e-commerce marketing design team can help your business implement a range of robust mobile-first changes that'll impress consumers and boost your conversion rates.

Embrace The Potential Of Local Marketing

Embrace The Potential Of Local Marketing

Although an e-commerce company may have the perception that local marketing only works for brick-and-mortar businesses, the truth is actually much different. By taking a local approach to e-commerce marketing, your business can convert a whole new part of your customer base. But to be successful, you're going to want to delve into your online store and its analytics to determine the best location to implement a host of local e-commerce marketing strategies. With many of your competitors putting all of their focus towards online marketing, consider how a local perspective might give you an advantage. Primal can help your business conceive a host of content to make the most of your local area.

For an e-commerce company to be successful with local marketing, you're going to need to know where you can physically reach your customers. By undertaking a review of your customers and discovering where the largest concentrations are based, you could organise pop-up events or other types of promotions that attract their attention. With a detailed understanding of the types of products they are interested in buying most, a thoughtful campaign could deliver exceptional results. Also, if your e-commerce company's warehouse is based in a metropolitan area, you could offer customers the chance to pick up their product or receive cheaper shipping. With a smart marketing plan around your immediate area, there are wonderful opportunities to build relationships with customers and generate profit.

Develop Ongoing Customer Engagement

Develop Ongoing Customer Engagement

Just because your online store completed a sale successfully doesn't mean that it's time to get complacent. In truth, this period should really just be the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship with an individual customer. With approximately 65% of a business' sales coming from established customers, it's much easier to re-engage these people compared to outreach marketing strategies. In addition, developing a successful e-commerce marketing strategy around retention is estimated to cost between 5-25 times less than acquiring new customers. But how do you ensure people keep coming back to your business? Well, there are a wide range of e-commerce marketing solutions that remind consumers about your existence and ensure they take interest in your products.

One approach that has delivered great results is the implementation of a detailed communications calendar. By segmenting your audience based around their latest interactions with your business, you can create an email list of people that need to be reminded about your products. With an extensive calendar, you can maintain frequent engagement and convince consumers to check out your latest range. As we've already discussed, e-commerce marketing strategies such as a referral system, loyalty programmes and social media marketing can also keep established consumers coming back to your brand for years to come. By choosing to work with Primal, our superior e-commerce marketing team can lead a comprehensive digital marketing campaign that enhances customer engagement.

Grow With The E-Commerce Marketing Pros

Grow With The E-Commerce Marketing Pros

With an estimated 2 billion people around the globe using online shopping in one form or another, ensuring your business is ready for the digital future is going to be vital for your long-term success. But with so many different ways to build a productive campaign, as well as a vast range of digital tools to master, developing a robust digital marketing ecosystem is a challenging prospect. That's why so many leading brands are turning to an experienced e-commerce marketing agency like Primal to ensure they get results. Nowadays, with everyone jumping on the e-commerce bandwagon, the need for your company to rise above your competitors has never been greater.

In 2020, e-commerce brands were expected to make up approximately 15.5% of all retail sales. With this rate of growth only increasing as more companies get online and people around the world gain greater access to the internet, developing effective ad campaigns that highlight your products and services is the right approach. Partnered with a range of proven digital marketing tactics, including loyalty programmes, email marketing and mobile-first website design, your business will be prepared for the digital landscape. As we work closely alongside your brand to develop an in-depth understanding of your products' strengths and weaknesses, Primal, a renowned e-commerce marketing agency will ensure your campaigns generate an unbeatable ROI.

Join The Best Online Shopping Team

Join The Best Online Shopping Team

As more and more businesses establish an e-commerce presence, your company must put in place a range of marketing techniques to benefit your online store. If you choose to partner with our professional team of marketers, we will delve into your brand's analytics to determine the perfect platforms to reach your target market. By following our recommendations, you can feel confident that your business will not only benefit from increased traffic hitting your website, but also the sheer resulting number of qualified leads and conversions too. As we put into place a variety of proven methods that attract and nurture customers towards making a purchase, you'll start to notice the difference almost immediately.

To ensure you understand how our campaigns are giving your company an advantage over the competition, we also provide extensive reports that reveal the inner workings of our e-commerce strategies. As we regularly take stock of our progress and make small adjustments to improve our results, this research-driven process allows us to quickly change our plan to capitalise on emerging trends in the e-commerce space. With the online world only becoming more crowded every day, Primal's experienced team can give your company a much-needed edge. Based in the thriving economic hub of Bangkok, we know the digital landscape better than anyone else in our region. Contact our expert team today and discover how we can use e-commerce marketing solutions to your advantage.


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