COVID-19 has impacted several businesses around the world

COVID-19 has impacted several businesses around the world

The pandemic has caused the business environment to become volatile and has certainly impacted consumer behaviour during COVID-19. Almost all business owners are facing a huge challenge. Creating a strong image with a COVID-19 marketing strategy will assist your business in overcoming the crisis. Turning to digital marketing amid the crisis will enable you to attract customers and potentially a new target market.

Engage with the consumers who are online

increase in
social engagement
increase in
media consumption
increase in

Adjust your marketing plan with the FASTR Framework

The COVID-19 outbreak is a situation none of us have ever experienced before and as a result arises several questions about business survival. We have curated the FASTR framework which can easily be implemented in your marketing strategy. To further understand this framework, we have broken it down into sections and have provided insights and analysis of each.

First Understand

F = First Understand

Analysing what consumers have to say about this situation including your business can be understood through tools such as social listening and tracking. One of the simplest methods would be to contact your customers or partners and speak to them about how they have been affected and what you could potentially do to assist them.

This will enable you to create impactful and relevant content to increase your value. ‘Value Added’ content will not only encourage engagement but will also improve your brand awareness and reach a wider audience.


A = Adapt

Do you need to adapt your marketing strategy? Adjusting your content including methods of communication based on the behaviour during COVID-19 will assist in meeting the needs of your customers better. A few things to keep in mind, when is the best time to push out updates, when will most people be online and which social listening tool can help gather this information.

Additionally, gathering data on online shopping habits and engagement rate will improve your digital marketing strategy. Focusing on modifying content to provide insightful information about COVID-19 will improve engagement rate as well as reduce bounce rate.


S = Sensitive

It’s crucial to understand the sentiments and mindset of consumers in this vulnerable time. Consumer behaviour during COVID-19 has drastically changed, hence the way we communicate with customers on various platforms should be in an understanding tone. This will reflect the sincerity and sensitivity of the situation while building a greater brand image. The ability to modify tone and the key message shows that we care and want to provide solutions to assist all customers.

Things you should avoid doing during this time:

  • Cramming and pushing sales of a product more than needed (Hard sell)
  • Choosing not to help customers in the decision making process of a product
  • Creating pressure when the customer is deciding to purchase a product
  • Not being lenient with payment methods or price reductions.

T = Transparent

Strive to keep up with the situation and find the best way to communicate openly with customers and ensure transparency. Customers may have a lot of questions during this time, the best practice would be to calmly attend each question and provide detailed information.

Inform customers based on client feedback and social listening analysis, this will ensure that the brand is making a positive impact during this difficult time. Letting customers know about the changes the company has made during COVID-19 is a must and showing them how you are willing to help is crucial.

Rise Above

R = Rise Above

While reading up on the current COVID-19 situation and constantly implementing techniques and strategies to improve your business the same question is probably crossing your mind a hundred times ‘Will my business survive and how can I help others?’. Aside from your customers or partners, you are worried about your team and company and it definitely can not be overlooked. Most businesses have put in Work From Home measures for the safety of their employees. But, this does have an impact on daily activities and the way a business functions.

Have tools to facilitate communication and productivity for employees, such as co-working sessions or even rewards. Similarly, for customers, there should be tools put in place. This includes communication platforms, weekly updates and automated processes to cater to the needs of customers. Always continue thinking forward.

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